Join UCU

Looking to join the branch?

Nearly 2,300 of your colleagues at the University and over 120,000 of your colleagues across the UK have chosen to be part of UCU – the largest union and most effective voice for people like you.

You can join the UCU here. Current membership rates can be found here.

If you have any questions or wish to discuss matters further with a UMUCU officer before joining, please contact the UMUCU Office and we will be happy to arrange this for you.

What is UCU?

  • UCU is a membership organisation, looking after the interests of its membership. ​
  • As a democratic organisation, it determines its engagement through a branch structure on local, national and global issues.​
  • As an education union, it takes a practical and moral stance determined by its membership. ​
  • Locally UCU campaigns and supports its members directly in the workplace. ​

What does UCU do for members?

  • Support with individual work-related issues, see Help and Support
  • Negotiation – We meet with the employer formally and informally.​
  • Representation – If you want to raise items with UCU anonymously use this form.
  • UMUCU is one of the largest regional branches, with strong member engagement. ​
  • As a branch our members meet between 4-8 times per year. ​
  • The branch AGM is usually held in June and terms for the exec run for one year from August.​
  • We regularly email and consult with our membership. ​
  • Members can submit motions to direct branch policy, ideally 2 weeks before a meeting to the branch account ​
  • The UMUCU Branch Officers of the branch executive committee are elected each year and their terms are for one year. The executive committee also includes ordinary members and co-opted members.

Sister Unions at UoM:

  • UCU is one of three recognised trade unions at UoM and is recognised to negotiate for members of staff employed on grade 6 and above. ​
  • Unite and Unison are the other two unions who negotiate on behalf of staff grade 5 and below.​
  • The Student Union is a union for our students.