Thank you for your request for information received by The University of Manchester on 11th January 2025,
Please see below your questions and our response:
The University has identified what it terms as its 200 leaders. I would like to know the following details of the group:
What is the gender breakdown, male to female.
What is the ethnicity breakdown of the group.
What is the age profile of the group.
What is the role profile breakdown. Academic to PS Of the academic staff how are they spread through roles, lecturer, senior lecturer, reader, professor?
Thank you for your request for information received by The University of Manchester on 20 December 2024 in which you asked:
Please provide number of staff at grade 7 and above who are on a contract as follows:
1. Teaching and research
2. Teaching and scholarship
Please provide this information at the following levels:
1. Faculty of Humanities.
2. Faculty of Biology, Medicine and Health 3. Faculty of Science and Engineering 4. Departments ((separately): Education, Global Development Institute, Geography, Architecture, Planning Property and Environmental Management.
Please provide totals disaggregated by gender.
Thank you for your request for information received by The University of Manchester on 31st October 2024.
Your request was as follows:
Over the previous 5 years:
- How many PS staff have been investigated for alleged misconduct?
- How many PS staff have been investigated for alleged serious misconduct?
- How many PS staff have been suspended as a result of allegations of serious misconduct?
- How many PS staff, after being investigated for alleged serious misconduct, had their case dismissed as being without substance (i.e. it was found that no disciplinary action was required)?
- How many PS staff, after being investigated for alleged serious misconduct, had their case considered by a Disciplinary Panel?
Could the responses to these questions please be split into the figures where the PS staff member was BAME or not-BAME.
Request for information received by The University of Manchester on 7th August 2024.
In each year of the ten year period from 2014–2023, I would like to know how many regrade requests under the HERA scheme were successful, and at which stage of appeal:
- How many HERA regrades were applied for?
- How many Stage One appeals were made?
- How many Stage Two appeals were made?
- How many regrade requests resulted in the applicant moving up a grade without any appeal?
- How many Stage One appeals resulted in the applicant moving up a grade without further appeal?
- How many Stage Two appeals resulted in the applicant moving up a grade?
Thank you for your request for information received by The University of Manchester on 22 May 2024, in which you ask:
How many FOI request of the total have been fulfilled later than the 20 working days specified?
Please could you provide this information as totals per month for the last twelve months, this would include total number of FOI’s and total number later than 20 working days.
Thank you for your request for information received by The University of Manchester on 11 April 2024 which was as follows:
1. Total industrial action and MAB salary deductions for FY 2023-24 – (you further clarified this as strike action and MAB inclusive and for the financial year April 2023 – April 2024)
2. What the deductions were subsequently spent on.
A previous FOI request revealed that the expenditure of £49.8m on SEP had been reported to the September Finance Committee.
Please could I ask for a precise a breakdown of this figure as is available, including but not limited to:
- the total amount spent on staff severances;
- the total amount spent on private consultancies;
- the total amount spent on private companies, itemised by company name;
- descriptions of the projects or activities for which these private companies have been commissioned.
Thank you for your request for information received by The University of Manchester on 24th January 2024 which was as follows:
What are the reported costs of delivering the SEP programme (inc. associated projects such as IT) as documented in official reporting to the board of governors.
Thank you for your request for information received by The University of Manchester on 24th January 2024 which was as follows:
I request sharing of the information used to inform the SLT’s decision to go ahead with SEP programme specifically that offered by the following bodies:
- External consultants
- UoM Board of Governors
- UoM Senate
- Students
- Staff
18th August 2023 – On how many occasions was access granted to the email accounts of staff at the University without those staff being aware, since 2018. Could this data be provided broken down by year and by reason for access.
Since 2017 how many staff have been transferred from T&S to T&R contracts in each faculty?