Please contact us as soon as you start to think that you may need to submit any type of complaint.
If you need to appeal against the outcome of a Dignity at Work and Study complaint, the appeal will he heard by three senior managers, grade 8 or above. If you need to appeal against the outcome of a Grievance, the three member appeal panel will include a lay member of the Board of Governors.
This page contains links taking you to the Referral Forms for making a Dignity at Work or Grievance complaint.
1. Research Misconduct
2. Dignity at Work and Study
This would be used for instances of unacceptable behaviour such as discrimination, harassment, bullying or victimisation.
Behaviour which is contrary to the Equality Act 2010 and the University’s Equality and Diversity Policy is likely to be addressed using this procedure.
If you need to complain about behaviour which is contrary to the Equality Act 2010, please contact us as soon as possible.
Dignity at Work and Study Policy
Dignity at Work and Study Policy and Procedures Flow Chart
Dignity at Work and Study- Informal Procedure for Staff & Students
Dignity at Work and Study-Procedure for Staff
3. Grievance
If your complaint doesn’t fit into either of the categories above, you probably need to use the Grievance Procedure. This can also be used for complaints about discrimination, harassment, bullying or victimisation.
Usually a Grievance would be submitted by a single person but a Collective Grievance can be submitted by a group of staff who want to complain about the same issue.