Important members’ meeting: Wed 29 Jan, 12:30-14:00;

There are a number of important matters in the agenda below. Two may require us to begin formal proceedings against the Employer, whose success may turn to a degree on the strength of support that we give them; so we need more than ever to ask for your views.

In turn:

  • Our members among the Library staff have been pursuing a collective grievance with support from the Exec. Ümit and one of our affected members will give an update.
  • The Exec believes that the Employer has embarked on a plan to act unlawfully in violation of the Statutes. Recently Exec members were informed—with no consultation—that the provision in the Statutes guaranteeing the presence of lay members on certain panels would be weakened. The Whistleblowing Procedure has been invoked to raise a legal concern. As there is a parallel industrial case, Daniel Maguire, who supports from UCU Regional, encourages us to begin the first stages of formal dispute. (He will join us briefly if possible, depending on a casework meeting.) See attachment for more.

The agenda:

  1. President’s update, inc. Dignity at Work policy;
  2. Library staff collective grievance update: UMUCU strategy;
  3. Lay governors on panels violating of Statutes; start of formal dispute;
    1. Motion.
  4. Unite–UCU dispute [Update from Unite member]; 
  5. Further Motions:
    1. BDS motion proposal;
    2. Stand Up to Racism motion;
  6. Know your Rights! Online session, 05 Feb 2025 – 12:30-13:30;
  7. Report from David Swanson on meeting with Salford & MMU;
  8. AOB.