Looking for volunteers to support UMUCU members facing problems at work

UMUCU currently has a shortage of Personal Case Workers – volunteers, who after undergoing some basic training, support UMUCU members facing problems at work. 

Typical situations where a member might need support are: 

  • Defending themselves against an allegation of misconduct 
  • Submitting a complaint about bullying 
  • Requesting that ‘reasonable adjustments’ are put in place 
  • Dealing with work related stress 
  • Defending themselves against an allegation of poor performance 

You don’t need to be an expert on everything in order to become a Personal Case Worker. You can start by focussing on a single type of problem, only moving onto other areas once you feel ready. There is always support and advice available from existing, experienced case workers. Most members are so glad to have someone helping them through a difficult situation that they don’t mind if you can’t answer every question immediately and sometimes need to seek advice from a case worker colleague. 

Please email ucu@manchester.ac.uk if you’re interested in finding out more.